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>   Topic: [Infor] i'll be back   8 Replies    8637 Views   
  i'll be back
  Author: Gordon (國棟)     Post Time: 2011/02/25
2011/02/25, user Gordon has made number 1 times of modification
Hi guys, just letting you all know that i will be in taipei March 2 to 9 and taizhong 10 to 13 then back in taipei 14 and 15. it would be really nice if we all could meet. its just 2weeks for business. let me know what you think.

oh and i will bring my riding shoes, i mite need to borrow a bike ;)
  RE: i'll be back
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2011/02/25
2011/02/25, user mark has made number 1 times of modification


大家好, 我將在三月 2-9 日回到台北, 10-13 日在台中, 然後 14-15 日又在台北. 很希望能夠跟大家見面. 這是我為期兩星期的商務之旅. 請告訴我你的想法.

對了, 回來時我會帶著我的攀岩車鞋, 我可能會需要借一台攀岩車_____________________________________________________________________________________________

  RE: i'll be back
  Replier: 老K     Reply Time: 2011/02/25
It's great!! let me know what assistance you want to??
  RE: i'll be back
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2011/02/25
I'm there March 20! stay a bit longer?
  RE: i'll be back
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2011/02/25

我3月20會回台灣, 國棟要停留久一點嗎?
  RE: i'll be back
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2011/02/26
I think it will be super great!!

We can meet you in taipei! The first event that we can join is http://biketrial.tw/calendar.php?lid=h2pblkr9jnnoq0qq70ujrrp4rc#h2pblkr9jnnoq0qq70ujrrp4rc , and we can make more nightride in taipei or go somewhere to eat something...
  RE: i'll be back
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2011/02/26
Quote Kevin article-
I'm there March 20! stay a bit longer?

hay Kev i'm really sorry, it would be really nice to meet up with you, even just for the 20th but i'm only there for work and i'm not the one buying my ticket and accommodation.

maybe when i come next time just for vacation, oh and with the wife.

  RE: i'll be back
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2011/02/26
actually it turns out im arriving on the 17th....still going to miss you though ='(
  RE: i'll be back
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2011/02/27
2011/02/27, user frankyueh has made number 1 times of modification
Quote Gordon (國棟) article-
Hi guys, just letting you all know that i will be in taip...

I think we had found a bike for you to ride though. Just ask 亞東極限 club, they can borrow you a bike to ride in taipei!! :)