RE: BTT 永遠不商業化,也拒絕不當商業污染!
回應者: Kevin
回應時間: 2011/05/25
文章於 2011/05/25 由 kevinliu 做過第 1 次的修改
I think commercial posts are okay, as long as the intention of the post is clear, and the thread is actually informative. If you want to introduce a product, do it in a way that does not blatantly offend other people. It's probably good that you share some details of product as well. I often see posts that attack competing brands to better market their product, which is just taking a cheap shot ;)
I get the feeling that when Frank posts something, he is doing it purely out of the passion he has for the sport. Maybe his posts serve some sort of commercial purpose in the long run, but he is just a guy that loves to ride his bike. I don't see a problem with him posting videos and details on the bike he is riding. His posts are always informative and directly beneficial to a trials rider. He communicates his points across, and does not hide an ulterior motive or a hidden agenda.
Using the forum as a marketing tool is inevitable. It also has it's place in promoting the sport. However, soliciting people by implicitly attacking competing brands and purposely witholding information is poor practice as a business person as well as a forum user. We don't need that kind of hostility on a discussion forum.
RE: BTT 永遠不商業化,也拒絕不當商業污染!
RE: BTT 永遠不商業化,也拒絕不當商業污染!
回應者: Eli
回應時間: 2011/05/26
但是~ BTT並沒有從惡意汙染源獲得該有回饋<- 這是重點!!(幾乎都是靠特定少數人在支援開銷)
上面再罵得你說說看你對BTT 有提供甚麼貢獻嗎??
況且 FY會有提出這篇也不是沒原因
只是一下就 喔我PO給大家看看~ 喔這東西XX好漂亮呀 喔我沒有惡意 我們私下談
戳一下~ 戳一下~
之後在那邊說 喔喔喔 不是故意的!!
喔~ 我錯了!!
有些人就是喜歡這樣 口語講明就是 犯__
一次就算~ 但是到底幾次了???
簡單說喔~ 就是廢文!! 這樣應該比較口語易懂吧!!
RE: BTT 永遠不商業化,也拒絕不當商業污染!
當廣告沒有章法的在BTT中橫行的時候,這將會變成一個沒有人要來光顧的網站(如同被我遺棄的Yahoo Email一樣)。雖然我不認為此種極端的情況會發生在攀岩車這樣的小眾世界中。但是我認同BTT網站經營應該要在最初即將章法確定,並且嚴格執行,無非是各網站明哲保身的潛規則。
我同意攀岩車這樣的小眾市場,能夠提供方便暢通的購買管道真的是一個騎車人的福音。但是做法上總是踩線,吃BTT豆腐在我看來不是一件尊重這些因著熱情而開疆闊土建立方便溝通網站平台的一群人(各位想不想再回去用各自的blog,wretch,MSN space來溝通攀岩車資訊?)。