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>   Topic: [Video] 這個側跳有多高阿? 好扯喔!   1 Replies    2743 Views   
  這個側跳有多高阿? 好扯喔!
  Author: FrankYueh     Post Time: 2011/08/23
在影片快到後面, 有個很變態又讓人高昂的側跳, 旁邊還有隱約的格線, 好像是150up... 這在比賽得去, 有點太扯了...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FEvz8L7PxU  Like(1)+ expand- fold
  RE: 這個側跳有多高阿? 好扯喔! btt
  Replier: slime     Reply Time: 2011/08/24
2011/08/24, user slime has made number 1 times of modification
Hey Frank, I have got a picture and it focused on the mark.
14x sth, not yet 150, but still so swesome... but I really looking forwars to seeing how Zhao Xuang ride in some UCI races, cause 14x side hop for him is just like a piece of cake haha!
Check the link for the exact height,http://www.trial-inside.com/images/stories/2011_praloup/finale26/IMG_9502.jpg