>   主題: [影片] New short video   2 回應    2880 觀看   
  New short video
  張貼者: Kevin     張貼時間: 2012/06/01
https://vimeo.com/43176340  喜歡(1)+ 展開- 隱藏

revisited some old lines and found a few new moves It's nice being away for half a year. Everything in Vancouver feels new and interesting again.

Big thanks to Kevin Minato for filming, and djspinege for the music.
  RE: New short video
  回應者: 小漁     回應時間: 2012/06/01
good moves, good vid, but in the end all I saw was the sweet kicka$$ GLK. Did you flat the back seat as i do not think the trunk was long enough for a trialbike?
  RE: New short video
  回應者: Kevin     回應時間: 2012/06/01
yea, the back seats sit flat almost all the time in my car haha