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>   Topic: [Video] canon 85mm f1.2 L2 test   2 Replies    3625 Views   
  canon 85mm f1.2 L2 test
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2012/07/25
https://vimeo.com/46334480  Like(1)+ expand- fold

had to stop down to f1.4 because it was impossible to focus.....
  RE: canon 85mm f1.2 L2 test
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2012/07/25
LOL....... toooooo big la
  RE: canon 85mm f1.2 L2 test
  Replier: 小魚     Reply Time: 2012/07/26
快可以買台SKY 2的鏡頭