>   主題: [技巧] 二段式上法 btt   22 回應    25690 觀看   
  RE: 二段式上法
  回應者: gfan     回應時間: 2008/05/13
引用 古铭亦 的文章-
  RE: 二段式上法
  回應者: 橘祖     回應時間: 2008/05/16
文章於 2008/05/16 由 gary_python 做過第 1 次的修改
引用 Kevin 的文章-
The 2 step move you guys are talking about here is what we call a "touch up" here. The secret to this move, is to roll your front wheel on the corner of the obstacle, instead of hitting the side of the obstacle (which is called a tap).

To do the touch up technique, you must throw your body forward with more force than a tap. This movement should happen as soon as you start your second pedal stroke (back foot). you will need to stay crouched with your upper body until the front wheel touches the corner of the obstacle. Then you need to finish your last pedal stroke, push down on your front wheel, and jump.

Here is a short video showing the difference between a touch up and a tap. At the moment where my front wheel hits the rock, my body is much lower for the touch hop, where as i am standing upright for the tap.


Hopefully gary can translate this for me:)

在這裡大伙聊到的二段式上法在加拿大當地被稱做"touch up(摸上去(一︿一?))",這招的祕訣是在障礙物的轉角邊緣滾動你的前輪,而非直接撞擊障礙物的邊緣(這招叫做tap - 輕拍)。

想做touch up這招,你得把自己的身體使用比tap所需更多的力量向前拋。touch up這動作應該是在第二次踩踏時開始的,而在前輪碰到障礙物的轉角之前,你需要將上體壓低以採取保持蹲臥的姿勢,接著利用最後一次踩踏且前輪滾到障礙物邊緣時,用手將前輪壓下並順勢向上跳起。

短片中顯示touch up 及tap的差異,在前輪撞到石頭的瞬間,我會將身體降低很多來達成touch up,相較起來,在tap時則會站得較直。
  RE: 二段式上法
  回應者: mark     回應時間: 2008/05/16
摸上去(Touch up)比較像是其它的用途(18禁), 滾上去 (rolling up)是不是更像一點.
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