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>   Topic: [Video] John Webster riding in Vancouver   3 Replies    3677 Views   
  John Webster riding in Vancouver
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2012/10/08
Shot this in one day with John last week. Enjoy

https://vimeo.com/50965363  Like(2)+ expand- fold
  RE: John Webster riding in Vancouver
  Replier: Gordon (國棟)     Reply Time: 2012/10/08
Quote Kevin article-
Shot this in one day with John last week. Enjoy


it was about time this vid came out. kool
  RE: John Webster riding in Vancouver
  Replier: FrankYueh     Reply Time: 2012/10/08
OMG !! the last move almost kill him.... HAHAHA!!!!!

太威了啦..... 現在Jeff被擺到那裡放了阿~!?!?
  RE: John Webster riding in Vancouver
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2012/10/08
2012/10/09, user mark has made number 1 times of modification
I believe there will be wire motor spring and battery in this guy's body.