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>   Topic: [Video] Kaohsiung trials ride at the end of year 2012 btt   1 Replies    3186 Views   
  Kaohsiung trials ride at the end of year 2012 btt
  Author: FrankYueh     Post Time: 2013/01/14
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmWTrIqTx4Q  Like(2)+ expand- fold

where is some random missing footage from the end of year 2012 rides.
not really have a subject or not even is a complete trials film but I think just for a record film.
hope this film not too bad :) ha...

images/forum/2013/sequence 01.still001.jpg

images/forum/2013/sequence 01.still002.jpg

images/forum/2013/sequence 01.still003.jpg

images/forum/2013/sequence 01.still004.jpg

images/forum/2013/sequence 01.still005.jpg
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  RE: Kaohsiung trials ride at the end of year 2012
  Replier: Isaac     Reply Time: 2013/01/14
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