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  I am from canada btt
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2008/05/04
2008/05/04, user kevinliu has made number 1 times of modification
Hello everyone. My name is kevin and i am from canada. I will be visiting taiwan this summer in july, and i hope to meet up with other trials riders. Hopefully someone can show me all the good riding places :)

my email(msn) is roffles_85@hotmail.com. Please get in touch with me if you are interested in meeting up in the summer.

here are some of my videos on youtube :

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrly7FM67X0  Like(3)+ expand- fold

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c2GcHOeFHg  Like(2)+ expand- fold

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2L-30ldrTU  Like(2)+ expand- fold

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD_uOEgHSmI  Like(2)+ expand- fold

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHmjyZEU8hM  Like(2)+ expand- fold

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_9HiT22uTo  Like(2)+ expand- fold

i hope to see you guys soon:)






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  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: 小江     Reply Time: 2008/05/04
2008/05/04, user arrowsun has made number 1 times of modification
Nice ride !
Are u gonna carry your koxx with u?
sure we will take you to visit some places and ride with us
I think we will have fun while you here!
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/05/04
i do not have the koxx anymore. i am currently riding a zoo pitbull, and will hopefully have a neon when i go to taiwan
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2008/05/04
2008/05/04, user gary_python has made number 1 times of modification
Hi Kevin!! Nice riding. Could you kindly explain what RichmondTrials is? I've watched lots of great films from it but I don't know what it stands for? It's 6really nice to hear you're comi6ng this July, looking forward to ride with you.
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/05/05
The city I live in is called Richmond, which is about 20 minutes south of Vancouver in British Columbia. Thats where the name Richmondtrials came from.
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: 橘祖     Reply Time: 2008/05/05
Quote Kevin article-
The city I live in is called Richmond, which is about 20 minutes south of Vancouver in British Columbia. Thats where the name Richmondtrials came from.

It's a cool idea to emphasize the name of your riding locations. By the way, Kevin! Maybe you can give us more information about your trial riding profile, e.g. years, ridden bikes, riding style, special tricks, sidehop height, etc. We're very happy to know more about the trial riders world wide. I think our administrator of this website should create some column for introducing foreign bikers. We had lots of chance doing so, but nobody came up with this idea. It's quite pity we didn't record anything about foreign riders riding histories in Taiwan.
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/05/05
Quote 橘祖 article-
Quote Kevin article-
The city I live in is called Richmond, which is about 20 minutes south of Vancouver in British Columbia. Thats where the name Richmondtrials came from.

It's a cool idea to emphasize the name of your riding locations. By the way, Kevin! Maybe you can give us more information about your trial riding profile, e.g. years, ridden bikes, riding style, special tricks, sidehop height, etc. We're very happy to know more about the trial riders world wide. I think our administrator of this website should create some column for introducing foreign bikers. We had lots of chance doing so, but nobody came up with this idea. It's quite pity we didn't record anything about foreign riders riding histories in Taiwan.

i have ridden way too many bikes for me to even list haha. i go through bikes rather quickly. I've been riding for a bout 5 years now. I don't really have a special trick, but the best move i can do is probably the touch hop. I don't know how high I can sidehop as I have never measured myself. I just ride for fun.

I think the foreign rider section would be a great addition to this website. I am still trying to figure out what all the Chinese words mean on the website.
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/05/05
By the way, I can speak and read chinese decently. So you guys won't have to worry too much about communication being an issue once i arrive.
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2008/05/05
Quote Kevin article-
By the way, I can speak and read chinese decently. So you guys won't have to worry too much about communication being an issue once i arrive.

In that case, I think you might have some family people in Taiwan, where will you stay in your July visit?

Since you can read Chinese well, You already knew everything about us, even some little secrets, you see, we have great fun riding together as good friends. Now everyone can talk to you in Chinese too, But I think you might have a problem that your computer have no Chinese function to key in.

Can you tell us how many riders in your place? and what’s the age level?

You will face tons of question from now on. Ha!

  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/05/06
I can read chinese on my computer no problem. Im not sure exactly where my dad lives in tawian, but i know its relatively close to taipei.
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2008/05/06
What do you do in Winter? Do you jump into snow?
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/05/07
Not much snow in vancouver. It just rains a lot. In the winter i don't really ride very much.
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: DK     Reply Time: 2008/05/09
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2008/05/09
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: 小魚     Reply Time: 2008/05/10

  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2008/05/10
有一次碰到一個老老的加拿大白人傳教士, 他講得一口純正口音的南部腔調台語, 聽起來總覺得那些話很不像他講出來的.
  RE: I am from canada
  Replier: DK     Reply Time: 2008/05/12
我看不懂英文XBOX也是打英文的遊戲XDD 按按看就好了..