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>   Topic: [Video] testing the dob btt   2 Replies    3724 Views   
  testing the dob btt
  Author: Kevin     Post Time: 2008/05/25
went out on my first long ride on the dob. i am starting to notice the flex of the frame more, but it doesnt really affect my riding. i have adapted to it, and i just need to time my jumps a little slower.

the only problem i have having is with the horizontal dropouts and the chain coming loose all the time.

you can download the video here :

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  RE: testing the dob
  Replier: mark     Reply Time: 2008/05/25
2008/05/25, user mark has made number 1 times of modification
Quote Kevin article-
went out on my first long ride on the dob. i am starting to notice the flex of the frame more, but it doesnt really affect my riding. i have adapted to it, and i just need to time my jumps a little slower.

the only problem i have having is with the horizontal dropouts and the chain coming loose all the time.

you can download the video here :

Right Click and Save Target As


第一次將我的新車dob大騎一番以後我開始對這台鎂合金車架有一些感覺, 但這種不一樣的彈性並不會影響到我的騎乘, 我已經能夠適應此車架, 唯一的差異是跳起的時機要稍微放慢一點.


  RE: testing the dob
  Replier: Kevin     Reply Time: 2008/05/26
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