>   主題: [公告] Monthly Statistics for August 2007 btt   2 回應    17604 觀看   
  Monthly Statistics for August 2007 btt
  張貼者: FrankYueh     張貼時間: 2007/09/03
Usage Statistics for biketrial.tw - August 2007

Usage Statistics for biketrial.tw

Summary Period: August 2007
Generated 01-Sep-2007 02:17 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2007
Total Hits 124663
Total Files 79772
Total Pages 5080
Total Visits 3146
Total KBytes 4780661
Total Unique Sites 1843
Total Unique URLs 864
Total Unique Referrers 76
Total Unique Usernames 2
Total Unique User Agents 134
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 167 1086
Hits per Day 4021 6392
Files per Day 2573 5023
Pages per Day 163 209
Visits per Day 101 145
KBytes per Day 154215 767169
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 79772
Code 206 - Partial Content 142
Code 302 - Found 264
Code 304 - Not Modified 39557
Code 401 - Unauthorized 43
Code 403 - Forbidden 5
Code 404 - Not Found 4803
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 77

Daily usage for August 2007

Daily Statistics for August 2007
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 4359 3.50% 2770 3.47% 163 3.21% 82 2.61% 74 4.02% 597781 12.50%
2 5112 4.10% 3747 4.70% 192 3.78% 98 3.12% 84 4.56% 767169 16.05%
3 6392 5.13% 5023 6.30% 209 4.11% 112 3.56% 110 5.97% 378821 7.92%
4 4288 3.44% 2730 3.42% 178 3.50% 86 2.73% 65 3.53% 477674 9.99%
5 5040 4.04% 2517 3.16% 143 2.81% 89 2.83% 74 4.02% 105909 2.22%
6 4057 3.25% 2614 3.28% 187 3.68% 79 2.51% 70 3.80% 90717 1.90%
7 4679 3.75% 2959 3.71% 153 3.01% 94 2.99% 71 3.85% 118559 2.48%
8 4444 3.56% 2625 3.29% 202 3.98% 103 3.27% 91 4.94% 167614 3.51%
9 3943 3.16% 2592 3.25% 129 2.54% 77 2.45% 61 3.31% 336268 7.03%
10 4118 3.30% 2258 2.83% 165 3.25% 89 2.83% 84 4.56% 97380 2.04%
11 3686 2.96% 2128 2.67% 150 2.95% 98 3.12% 74 4.02% 87958 1.84%
12 5874 4.71% 3751 4.70% 165 3.25% 99 3.15% 84 4.56% 124591 2.61%
13 4013 3.22% 2333 2.92% 166 3.27% 106 3.37% 110 5.97% 74292 1.55%
14 3411 2.74% 1990 2.49% 154 3.03% 111 3.53% 102 5.53% 56025 1.17%
15 4198 3.37% 2812 3.53% 187 3.68% 118 3.75% 95 5.15% 98585 2.06%
16 3225 2.59% 2040 2.56% 153 3.01% 100 3.18% 89 4.83% 75102 1.57%
17 4957 3.98% 3005 3.77% 167 3.29% 116 3.69% 100 5.43% 120214 2.51%
18 5477 4.39% 3759 4.71% 207 4.07% 145 4.61% 111 6.02% 137628 2.88%
19 4838 3.88% 3406 4.27% 184 3.62% 121 3.85% 93 5.05% 108126 2.26%
20 3846 3.09% 2503 3.14% 152 2.99% 103 3.27% 94 5.10% 81730 1.71%
21 3597 2.89% 2642 3.31% 179 3.52% 114 3.62% 105 5.70% 74276 1.55%
22 3284 2.63% 2336 2.93% 148 2.91% 107 3.40% 104 5.64% 71279 1.49%
23 3397 2.72% 2399 3.01% 145 2.85% 99 3.15% 90 4.88% 78135 1.63%
24 2127 1.71% 1325 1.66% 133 2.62% 100 3.18% 77 4.18% 43427 0.91%
25 2095 1.68% 1290 1.62% 103 2.03% 82 2.61% 93 5.05% 46960 0.98%
26 2338 1.88% 1469 1.84% 108 2.13% 83 2.64% 89 4.83% 41968 0.88%
27 3558 2.85% 2339 2.93% 165 3.25% 102 3.24% 125 6.78% 71541 1.50%
28 3888 3.12% 2239 2.81% 175 3.44% 106 3.37% 87 4.72% 63089 1.32%
29 4872 3.91% 3002 3.76% 171 3.37% 117 3.72% 166 9.01% 98488 2.06%
30 3489 2.80% 2033 2.55% 190 3.74% 128 4.07% 127 6.89% 62386 1.30%
31 2061 1.65% 1136 1.42% 157 3.09% 99 3.15% 115 6.24% 26965 0.56%

Hourly usage for August 2007

Hourly Statistics for August 2007
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 275 8533 6.84% 172 5353 6.71% 8 273 5.37% 7392 229164 4.79%
1 159 4952 3.97% 106 3301 4.14% 5 171 3.37% 4793 148595 3.11%
2 81 2516 2.02% 58 1805 2.26% 3 120 2.36% 3066 95039 1.99%
3 67 2092 1.68% 44 1365 1.71% 3 98 1.93% 1957 60670 1.27%
4 20 631 0.51% 15 486 0.61% 0 28 0.55% 1460 45272 0.95%
5 16 509 0.41% 11 369 0.46% 0 22 0.43% 223 6918 0.14%
6 35 1107 0.89% 28 878 1.10% 1 36 0.71% 1224 37945 0.79%
7 42 1322 1.06% 28 870 1.09% 2 64 1.26% 770 23866 0.50%
8 76 2365 1.90% 49 1541 1.93% 4 151 2.97% 3682 114155 2.39%
9 113 3521 2.82% 68 2132 2.67% 6 198 3.90% 4425 137160 2.87%
10 151 4698 3.77% 92 2879 3.61% 7 236 4.65% 4786 148376 3.10%
11 195 6059 4.86% 114 3560 4.46% 8 266 5.24% 8405 260564 5.45%
12 262 8146 6.53% 159 4948 6.20% 9 309 6.08% 17935 555991 11.63%
13 239 7433 5.96% 152 4740 5.94% 9 286 5.63% 16929 524805 10.98%
14 252 7821 6.27% 162 5025 6.30% 8 277 5.45% 5506 170686 3.57%
15 156 4836 3.88% 99 3082 3.86% 7 223 4.39% 4440 137633 2.88%
16 176 5460 4.38% 129 4020 5.04% 7 230 4.53% 6645 205984 4.31%
17 189 5865 4.70% 126 3913 4.91% 7 233 4.59% 10745 333085 6.97%
18 262 8147 6.54% 182 5644 7.08% 10 313 6.16% 9216 285682 5.98%
19 257 7995 6.41% 154 4777 5.99% 9 298 5.87% 10267 318265 6.66%
20 253 7843 6.29% 161 5020 6.29% 9 286 5.63% 9831 304763 6.37%
21 219 6796 5.45% 134 4161 5.22% 9 298 5.87% 4688 145316 3.04%
22 230 7138 5.73% 146 4548 5.70% 10 327 6.44% 9207 285416 5.97%
23 286 8878 7.12% 172 5355 6.71% 10 337 6.63% 6623 205310 4.29%

Top 30 of 864 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 16210 13.00% 762356 15.95% /forum.php
2 4925 3.95% 173390 3.63% /
3 4493 3.60% 240 0.01% /templates/images/forum_list_image.gif
4 3955 3.17% 224 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_file.gif
5 3609 2.90% 59814 1.25% /document.php
6 3303 2.65% 388 0.01% /templates/images/document_share.gif
7 3287 2.64% 7781 0.16% /images/video/9285C4668dthumb.jpg
8 3265 2.62% 10309 0.22% /images/video/9285G80564thumb.jpg
9 3219 2.58% 5956 0.12% /images/video/9285k148aethumb.jpg
10 3059 2.45% 14140 0.30% /images/fileedit/bigface.jpg
11 2909 2.33% 63266 1.32% /video.php
12 2443 1.96% 5652 0.12% /images/thumbs/default.gif
13 2233 1.79% 5555 0.12% /images/video/9285Zcaa31thumb.jpg
14 2191 1.76% 4509 0.09% /images/fileedit/btca_logo.jpg
15 2088 1.67% 2850 0.06% /images/thumbs/thumb_arrowsun.jpg
16 2077 1.67% 3251 0.07% /images/thumbs/thumb_frankyueh.jpg
17 1941 1.56% 5954 0.12% /images/video/9285f79928thumb.jpg
18 1853 1.49% 5051 0.11% /images/video/9285i4936ethumb.jpg
19 1821 1.46% 2609 0.05% /images/thumbs/thumb_gary_python.jpg
20 1716 1.38% 95 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_new2.gif
21 1710 1.37% 109 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_lock.gif
22 1702 1.37% 95 0.00% /templates/images/forum_list_new.gif
23 1449 1.16% 4475 0.09% /images/video/9285G55a40thumb.jpg
24 1137 0.91% 7746 0.16% /login.php
25 1085 0.87% 1743 0.04% /images/thumbs/thumb_uuccq.jpg
26 911 0.73% 1434 0.03% /images/thumbs/thumb_andy95100.jpg
27 725 0.58% 1364 0.03% /images/thumbs/thumb_JulesFrog.jpg
28 637 0.51% 1825517 38.19% /download/download1.php
29 622 0.50% 10978 0.23% /registry.php
30 458 0.37% 3171 0.07% /download/download.php

Top 10 of 864 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 637 0.51% 1825517 38.19% /download/download1.php
2 16210 13.00% 762356 15.95% /forum.php
3 25 0.02% 301502 6.31% /download/download2.php
4 4925 3.95% 173390 3.63% /
5 13 0.01% 143398 3.00% /download/download3.php
6 2909 2.33% 63266 1.32% /video.php
7 3609 2.90% 59814 1.25% /document.php
8 3 0.00% 26967 0.56% /download/download4.php
9 317 0.25% 23969 0.50% /admin/fileedit_management.php
10 147 0.12% 15988 0.33% /images/forum/hop-rock.png

Top 2 of 2 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4925 3.95% 3124 99.90% /
2 5 0.00% 3 0.10% /google33b8cb6acd66f3dd.html

Top 2 of 2 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4925 3.95% 3104 99.97% /
2 5 0.00% 1 0.03% /google33b8cb6acd66f3dd.html

Top 30 of 1843 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 3001 2.41% 986 1.24% 46440 0.97% 101 3.21% 61-230-64-223.dynamic.hinet.net
2 2885 2.31% 1298 1.63% 63664 1.33% 33 1.05%
3 2807 2.25% 1143 1.43% 68504 1.43% 55 1.75% 61-230-68-181.dynamic.hinet.net
4 2707 2.17% 1215 1.52% 33549 0.70% 95 3.02% 220-133-18-8.hinet-ip.hinet.net
5 2126 1.71% 1513 1.90% 70243 1.47% 107 3.40% pc25.adsl76.tku.edu.tw
6 2080 1.67% 609 0.76% 23332 0.49% 79 2.51% 219-70-197-50.cable.dynamic.giga.net.tw
7 1838 1.47% 938 1.18% 43640 0.91% 40 1.27% proxy.ntut.edu.tw
8 1461 1.17% 1394 1.75% 55598 1.16% 91 2.89%
9 1418 1.14% 446 0.56% 19701 0.41% 5 0.16% 218-164-134-185.dynamic.hinet.net
10 1404 1.13% 781 0.98% 38667 0.81% 14 0.45%
11 1157 0.93% 857 1.07% 323907 6.78% 32 1.02%
12 1058 0.85% 821 1.03% 22591 0.47% 13 0.41% 59-124-30-22.hinet-ip.hinet.net
13 1004 0.81% 684 0.86% 30099 0.63% 22 0.70% 61-62-234-206-adsl-tpe.static.so-net.net.tw
14 831 0.67% 467 0.59% 24392 0.51% 15 0.48% 125-225-105-219.dynamic.hinet.net
15 823 0.66% 599 0.75% 28884 0.60% 14 0.45% 61-62-117-230-adsl-kao.static.so-net.net.tw
16 768 0.62% 695 0.87% 16461 0.34% 14 0.45% crawl-66-249-70-199.googlebot.com
17 711 0.57% 552 0.69% 153595 3.21% 15 0.48%
18 681 0.55% 660 0.83% 9483 0.20% 4 0.13% 219-84-0-87-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
19 654 0.52% 387 0.49% 13807 0.29% 15 0.48% adsl-61-56-227-176.nh.sparqnet.net
20 640 0.51% 287 0.36% 12459 0.26% 4 0.13% 218-160-105-92.dynamic.hinet.net
21 640 0.51% 573 0.72% 232101 4.86% 5 0.16% 218-164-130-208.dynamic.hinet.net
22 638 0.51% 529 0.66% 129387 2.71% 5 0.16%
23 634 0.51% 432 0.54% 26726 0.56% 32 1.02% proxy5.tku.edu.tw
24 611 0.49% 605 0.76% 2928 0.06% 8 0.25%
25 574 0.46% 287 0.36% 10142 0.21% 4 0.13% 61-62-75-72-adsl-tpe.dynamic.so-net.net.tw
26 573 0.46% 413 0.52% 17385 0.36% 7 0.22% 218-164-132-202.dynamic.hinet.net
27 565 0.45% 303 0.38% 14282 0.30% 2 0.06% 220-129-16-20.dynamic.hinet.net
28 545 0.44% 327 0.41% 15032 0.31% 25 0.79% proxy4.tku.edu.tw
29 542 0.43% 371 0.47% 12555 0.26% 5 0.16% 218-164-121-156.dynamic.hinet.net
30 505 0.41% 340 0.43% 14669 0.31% 7 0.22% 220-134-23-5.hinet-ip.hinet.net

Top 10 of 1843 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1157 0.93% 857 1.07% 323907 6.78% 32 1.02%
2 640 0.51% 573 0.72% 232101 4.86% 5 0.16% 218-164-130-208.dynamic.hinet.net
3 153 0.12% 87 0.11% 158782 3.32% 2 0.06% 59-112-23-160.dynamic.hinet.net
4 711 0.57% 552 0.69% 153595 3.21% 15 0.48%
5 80 0.06% 43 0.05% 138254 2.89% 1 0.03% 218-164-124-32.dynamic.hinet.net
6 638 0.51% 529 0.66% 129387 2.71% 5 0.16%
7 73 0.06% 71 0.09% 115449 2.41% 1 0.03% 125-226-182-3.dynamic.hinet.net
8 147 0.12% 121 0.15% 104592 2.19% 1 0.03% 218-164-140-34.dynamic.hinet.net
9 119 0.10% 113 0.14% 84846 1.77% 3 0.10%
10 74 0.06% 35 0.04% 74915 1.57% 1 0.03% 218-164-138-204.dynamic.hinet.net

Top 76 of 76 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 38114 30.57% http://biketrial.tw/forum.php
2 22134 17.76% http://biketrial.tw/
3 14837 11.90% http://biketrial.tw/document.php
4 13813 11.08% - (Direct Request)
5 9303 7.46% http://www.biketrial.tw/forum.php
6 6339 5.08% http://biketrial.tw/index.php
7 5272 4.23% http://biketrial.tw/video.php
8 5155 4.14% http://www.biketrial.tw/
9 2445 1.96% http://www.biketrial.tw/document.php
10 2222 1.78% http://www.biketrial.tw/index.php
11 1097 0.88% http://www.biketrial.tw/video.php
12 622 0.50% http://biketrial.tw/registry.php
13 476 0.38% http://biketrial.tw/application.php
14 339 0.27% http://www.bikemen.net/phpbb2/viewtopic.php
15 320 0.26% http://biketrial.tw
16 320 0.26% http://biketrial.tw/admin/fileedit_management.php
17 313 0.25% http://biketrial.tw/login.php
18 221 0.18% http://biketrial.tw/admin/management.php
19 181 0.15% http://biketrial.tw/download/download.php
20 136 0.11% http://tw.msg.club.yahoo.com/msg/msga
21 126 0.10% http://tw.search.yahoo.com/search
22 118 0.09% http://biketrial.tw/bulletin.php
23 111 0.09% http://www.biketrial.tw/application.php
24 93 0.07% http://www.biketrial.tw
25 92 0.07% http://biketrial.tw/admin/FYDBadmin.php
26 65 0.05% http://www.biketrial.tw/registry.php
27 39 0.03% http://www.biketrial.tw/login.php
28 37 0.03% http://www.run2w.com/forum/viewtopic.php
29 35 0.03% http://www.biketrial.tw/download/download.php
30 33 0.03% http://biketrial.tw/test_class_file.php
31 32 0.03% http://biketrial.tw./forum.php
32 22 0.02% http://bigapple.idv.tw/phpBB2/read.php
33 20 0.02% http://biketrial.tw.
34 18 0.01% http://tw.f533.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter
35 16 0.01% http://image.yodao.com/
36 13 0.01% http://www.biketrialclub.com/forum/index.php
37 13 0.01% http://www.cyclist.org.tw/comment_main.asp
38 13 0.01% http://www.google.com.tw/search
39 10 0.01%
40 10 0.01% http://www.biketrialclub.com/forum/
41 8 0.01% http://ms1.csd.ykvs.tpc.edu.tw/~frank/links.htm
42 7 0.01% http://biketrial.tw/download
43 7 0.01% http://www.baidu.com/s
44 6 0.00% http://search.yahoo.com/search
45 5 0.00%
46 5 0.00%
47 5 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/test_class_reg.php
48 5 0.00% http://yueh.biketrial.tw/
49 4 0.00% http://biketrial.tw./
50 3 0.00% http://www.google.com.hk/search
51 3 0.00% http://www13.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php
52 2 0.00% http://tw.search.yahoo.com/language/translatedPage
53 2 0.00% http://www.bikemen.net/phpbb2/index.php
54 2 0.00% http://www.google.com/search
55 2 0.00% http://www1.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php
56 2 0.00% http://yueh.biketrial.tw/index.php
57 1 0.00% http://biketrial.tw/download/
58 1 0.00% http://biketrial.tw:2082/frontend/rvblue/stats/lastvistors.html
59 1 0.00% http://cache.yahoofs.jp/search/cache
60 1 0.00% http://google.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/webpage_full.cgi
61 1 0.00% http://hk.search.yahoo.com/search
62 1 0.00% http://milkmovie.ddo.jp/file/mi_072/mi_072-1.zip
63 1 0.00% http://tw.f721.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLetter
64 1 0.00% http://www.51.la/report/3_last.asp
65 1 0.00% http://www.baidu.com/baidu
66 1 0.00% http://www.biketrial.tw/download
67 1 0.00% http://www.google.cn/search
68 1 0.00% http://www.netcraft.com/survey/
69 1 0.00% http://www.wretch.cc/guestbook/cunjevoii
70 1 0.00% http://www.youtube.com/jp.swf
71 1 0.00% http://www10.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php
72 1 0.00% http://www12.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php
73 1 0.00% http://www15.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php
74 1 0.00% http://www17.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php
75 1 0.00% http://www4.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php
76 1 0.00% http://www8.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php

Top 12 of 12 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 91 61.49% 攀岩車
2 29 19.59% 0
3 10 6.76% biketrial.tw
4 7 4.73% biketrial
5 4 2.70% 淡水 mtb
6 1 0.68% biketrial .tw
7 1 0.68% bt bike
8 1 0.68% 二輪人
9 1 0.68% 攀岩車影片
10 1 0.68% 攀岩車聯盟
11 1 0.68% 無鏈條
12 1 0.68% 特技車

Top 2 of 2 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 118 0.09% 84 0.11% 6200 0.13% 3 0.10% alpha
2 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 39 0.00% 1 0.03% rvphpinfo

Top 15 of 134 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 29560 23.71% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
2 23337 18.72% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
3 13770 11.05% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; zh-TW; rv: G
4 9271 7.44% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
5 7492 6.01% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa
6 4771 3.83% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)
7 4482 3.60% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; InfoP
8 4366 3.50% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; KKman
9 2577 2.07% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G
10 2285 1.83% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; ezPee
11 2129 1.71% Baiduspider+(+http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm)
12 2126 1.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; zh-TW; rv:
13 1873 1.50% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
14 1646 1.32% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Avant
15 1157 0.93% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; 3M/IE

Usage by Country for August 2007

Top 13 of 13 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 79665 63.90% 47201 59.17% 3057423 63.95% Network
2 28927 23.20% 20819 26.10% 657004 13.74% Taiwan
3 12516 10.04% 9062 11.36% 961149 20.10% Unresolved/Unknown
4 2492 2.00% 1924 2.41% 57212 1.20% US Commercial
5 361 0.29% 290 0.36% 18432 0.39% China
6 274 0.22% 223 0.28% 9552 0.20% Japan
7 195 0.16% 189 0.24% 15311 0.32% Hong Kong
8 110 0.09% 88 0.11% 2599 0.05% France
9 92 0.07% 89 0.11% 1662 0.03% Singapore
10 14 0.01% 12 0.02% 126 0.00% Korea (South)
11 11 0.01% 11 0.01% 88 0.00% Germany
12 5 0.00% 5 0.01% 90 0.00% Non-Profit Organization
13 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 12 0.00% Indonesia

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
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  RE: Monthly Statistics for August 2007
  回應者: 小江     回應時間: 2007/09/03
到了應該是美國時間9/1 0:00才恢復
  RE: Monthly Statistics for August 2007
  回應者: FrankYueh     回應時間: 2007/09/03
引用 小江 的文章-
到了應該是美國時間9/1 0:00才恢復

嘿阿! 應該是台灣時間, 因為我的主機商是用台灣時間去算~
