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>   Topic: [Infor] To All Asian Trials riders:   0 Replies    15326 Views   
  To All Asian Trials riders:
  Author: FrankYueh     Post Time: 2017/05/31
To All Asian Trials riders:

UCI's Asian congress decisions Trial Tournament Championship of Asia in Iran - Tehran in 2017

So Iran's Cycling Federation Decides to know What Countries in Asia have Trials riders because most cycling federations in Asia don't have any details about their Trials riders! some of them even don't know there are Trials riders in their country ! So We need your Info to Invite you to the First Asian Trials Championship .

Please Invite your friends to this event and ask them to send us their info by Email to have a Big Asian Cup.

Please send us this info to the "asiantrialscup@gmail.com"
or send me as a Message here.

Email Subject : Asia Trials Cup 2017
Rider Name :
Age :
Country / City :
Mobile or Phone number :

Please prepare a list of all Trials riders you know in your country and send it to us .

Note :
1-the Date of this event is not defined so send us your info anyway 😉
2- your emails help us to proof the UCI there are lots of riders in Asia and need more supports to have big championships. so don't hesitate to send us your details.

I hope to see you all in this championship.

Best Regards
Iman KamaliFar