Title "Koxx尋找代理商" had moved to the trade board. Because it is an article that involved with some business information. For the website management, it had been moved to the trade-forum board.
Because of the system is not really convenient for article moving, same trade alike article in this board next time, the article will be locked or deleted, please must have to notice!

因為系統搬移資料非常不方便, 下次若有相同的...  [看更多]
基於公開環境的隱私權的保護提升, 有些不應該有的現象還是最好能避免. 例如大家常常會習慣將自己個人的全名或他人的全名, 甚至是地址或電話等資訊發表在這公開的環境, 由於現今網路的發達, 這將造成許多人的隱私權被受侵犯. 因此遵中他人及維護個人隱私權的問題, 在一個公開的環境中更須要受到重視!

1. 不該將他人及個人全名在未經同意下公開.
(網路上公開報名即...  [看更多]