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1)首先在...  (full text)
希望別人多學是我的宗旨,包含騎車以及任何事,但是有些商業上的know how還是必須尊重原創者的意願,因為那些東西並不是我獨有!!請瞭解...
教科書//那是要留作紀念用的,更何況還必須讓...  [see more]

電話的那頭傳來三重幫車團小白的聲音: "馬克我想請你幫我拆小攀的固定齒, 牙已經崩掉了.....", 我說: "你用的固定齒應該都咬死了, 我只能幫你準備工具, 用力的部份你要自己來....."

不久門外殺來六...  [see more]
希望馬克大 不會被家裡的太上皇 趕出去...
Someone so good like me only get the really best! of course the meaning this having only monty! is having traditional and many old legend like a chinese dragon. this bicycle obtain super very good quality! you must looking at the beauty of...  (full text)
He insisted on cutting my pedals to see how light we could get them. the final weight is 210g for the pair. It looks scary as hell, but apparently Adrian rode his mg-1 like this for over 6 months. We'll see....

I'll make sure...  (full text)
鋸 + 銼 + 磨 + 其他.....

未來的市場將會出現一種 K1 牌踏板, 軸心當然是鈦合金, 名稱叫做 變形蟲.
i actually think without the middle part, the pedal has more gril. i can flex the center of my foot into the pedal more.