Geo measured out to be:
1050 WB
370 CS
+63 BB ...  (看全文)
but it was sold yesterday :'(
hmm turns out I'm going to have one after all =D
this was suppose to be my frame =( but pat cracked his sky and needed a bike for UCI worlds, so he gets priority.

he seems impressed with the bike coming from the sky. hopefully he'll make some new videos soon
It's amazing for me to know someone break the sky and get something from the sky later.

I thought there is only air and cloud in the sky.

If there is anything you can expect falling from the sky, normally it's bird shit...
ECHO SL 108響飛輪構造圖
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這顆飛輪我無聊時有拆過..沒太大困難.跟之前有前輩提過的一樣要小心裡面的彈片不要不見喔!不過說實在的彈片要裝回去會有點困難度.當時我想ㄟ~這裡面怎麼沒有油....然後就雞婆用黃...  [看更多]