我到了四十多才禿頭,全新的小攀攀才騎了三個月,最近前輪中間部已經發現禿頭,傍邊部分很新,後輪也是很新,好像有點不正常?大部分時間我只是在平地上騎,也沒有練出什麼單輪平衡技...  [看更多]
話說回來, 有錢人比較怕死不會想玩攀岩車.


我想我會很謹慎的玩, 避免摔壞了身體沒辦法享受那算億的錢, 每天吃很好以外又開...  [看更多]
I was saving these parts for myself so I can have a 20" again, but one of our customers wanted it, so it's leaving me ='(

I just snapped some photos for him.
Kevin 張貼於 2010/07/08
too bad i don't get to ride one =(
i removed some grey spots in the background though. other than that, the photos are straight out of the camera
Kevin 張貼於 2010/07/07
just saw raymond's aurem 3 built up. i had a lot of trouble getting butted spokes in the length required for those wheels. turned out pretty good though! The born carbon bar is also a nice touch!
I didn't assemble the bike for him. He just got bar/frame/wheels/tires from us.
Is there any way to calculate the spoke length?? It always wears me out finding suitable ones.....