perfect bike for the summer isnt it?
best choice in the summer
it actually rides really nice!
Kevin 張貼於 2010/07/22
i gave jeff a meta frame and told him to do whatever he wants to it. this is what he ended up with. i almost died from laughing
Jeff 把車架磨掉一些減重, 這樣可以當輕量狂了(Light Weight Mania).

游泳選手會把身上的毛全剃光以減少水的阻力, 不知道有沒有騎車的人會把毛剃掉以減少風阻係數?
Kevin 張貼於 2010/07/20
this is the last slate 2 to come out of wherestheseat
you need to get married first lol. then if your wife gets mad that you spent so much money you can tell her that divorces cost more and she would be a hypocrite.
You get the point..... That's why I have to ride a high BB bike with flexy yoke.....
我到了四十多才禿頭,全新的小攀攀才騎了三個月,最近前輪中間部已經發現禿頭,傍邊部分很新,後輪也是很新,好像有點不正常?大部分時間我只是在平地上騎,也沒有練出什麼單輪平衡技...  [看更多]
話說回來, 有錢人比較怕死不會想玩攀岩車.


我想我會很謹慎的玩, 避免摔壞了身體沒辦法享受那算億的錢, 每天吃很好以外又開...  [看更多]