Kevin 張貼於 2010/02/18
which is why i listen to this awesome music everytime i'm driving to a ride

awesome video
你的朋友說將要引進的那些極限安全帽式樣蠻不錯看的, 可以將圖片放上來給大家瞧瞧, 應該會有不錯的反應.

安全帽的頭形尺寸日規跟美規差很多, 通常日規用 M 的人美規要用 XL.
瞭改 我會請傑西 找他朋友 貼照片上來 讓攀攀眾家兄弟姊妹們 換新頭盔...
went for a short ride with Kevin Minato yesterday, and he put this video together. Minato is 16 and has only been riding for a little more than 2 years. I was very impressed with how quick he was able to learn the more...  [看更多]
it's because you are not here! the bike is amazing
hey kev looking good. oh and yea he looks good, not like how you made it sound but he is good. he's got that flow and quick reflex, you can see he will be a really good rider later. able to keep the moves...  [看更多]
hey everyone take a look, i would love to ride this water section in a competition

And need a strong heart too...
Also need lazy security guard, hahaha...
FrankYueh 張貼於 2010/02/01


competition koxxdays 2009.wmv...  [看更多]
天ㄚ!! 連卡爾斯迪阿茲試兩次都上不去的變態大石,笨泥桶竟然輕輕鬆鬆就飄上去了,真的是太變態了!!