good to know he can play with the best :)


結論是:約翰.維伯斯特 應該搬去歐洲和 吉爾斯.庫斯特里耶 一起住。
Damn! I can't watch this vid with my QQphone~(T ^ T)
"Chris and Kevin give us a sneak peak on this fantastic new prototype. Make sure you watch the video all the way to the end as Kevin explores the potential of this machine around some rough...  [看更多]
OMG, I gonna have one of these prototype !
All that design and coloring, master of piece !
I have a bike which I ride to every where everyday, I do'nt have to lock that bike no matter where I go, once I used a lock when I went shopping, and when I came bak to the bike, I found the bike still there but...  [看更多]
i don't understand what happened =(
wow i just looked at kenny's ride from that link, and it was soo amazing. the dude rides so smooth and almost effortless.
you like? we can have a group ride like that
Cool~~ is that a date ? ~~ 啾咪*~~