因為台中望高寮夜景觀賞公園,明日下午到晚間將舉辦Mercides - Benz ML系列休閒車試車會,晚間大會將安排攀...  [看更多]
目前的團騎都是星期六或星期天的下午, 大白天騎車不像晚上有光線的問題, 以前的大稻埕碼頭到了晚上燈火通明, 但也許是節能減碳的需要目前大稻埕是一片昏暗, 除了大船前面的燈光...  [看更多]
I was working on one of our customer's bike today, and decided to snap some pics while i was servicing his brake for a tutorial. You will notice that the lever has been modified to prevent cracking. I'll discuss that further in a different...  (看全文)
That's the best bleeding instruction so far.感謝kevin.
you can still use this technique for mineral oil bleeds. you dont need to submerge the lever in a bucket of mineral oil. the whole point of the water is to get rid of little bubbles in the lever piston chamber. it's easier to move...  [看更多]
Park 張貼於 2010/04/21
接觸攀岩車一個多月,是在腳踏車展覽會無意間看到了,人生過了40幾才接觸攀岩車想是晚得很了.在網上找找相關攀岩車資料的時候發現到BTT。看過馬克兄,老K大大和其他網友們的文...  (看全文)
looking good park. i'll try and help you out with some more advanced techniques when i see you:)



所以劃質不太好....  [看更多]
i dont think i can teach in mandarin though
Yeah, I knew you’ll come to Toronto from your forum. I was too shy to ask if you could spare some time with rookies. I think you’re going to the Raccoon Rally that week end too? If you guys come out at the evening...  [看更多]