這些照片讓我想到食神當中 ,
this was suppose to be my frame =( but pat cracked his sky and needed a bike for UCI worlds, so he gets priority.

he seems impressed with the bike coming from the sky. hopefully he'll make some new videos soon
It's amazing for me to know someone break the sky and get something from the sky later.

I thought there is only air and cloud in the sky.

If there is anything you can expect falling from the sky, normally it's bird shit...
8/26 下午 4:00 高雄河堤公園小騎

下午小弟會到 ,
明誠路與天祥路段 河堤公園小騎 ,
有空的一起來吧 ...
科科科 ... , 9 竟然打成 6 ,
網站都沒有數字打字自動檢查功歐 .... ???

因為今天人剛好在附近 ,
所以就臨時計畫到哪裡去小騎一下 ,...  [看更多]

By the way, you need to film some clips, let us see how you ride now, and also record some special place in your country~ haha!!