11/08 下午兩點左右新莊棒球場團練【新莊體育場正中央的景觀樓】
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謝謝801... 分析的很詳細 我在體育場旁的路上被拖過1次 是放在車格裡 但卻不知道那是殘障車位 標示非常差 (但我是腦殘 ) 想過去參1 腳啦 就看這邊的事情處理的怎樣
hey what kind of video editing software do you guys use for your videos?

this is especially for frank, since he puts up the most vids.
I use Ulead MediaStudio Pro 7.0 with cracked... but it does not easy to use for a new hand.

There is a free and existed video editing software Movie Maker that usually in your computer (if you use the win xp).

You can refer...  [看更多]

不知台灣有沒有管道入手24"的車? 有的話希望價錢不要太恐怖...更重要的是, setup要正確.

dunno if it's possible to get a hold of these 24" bikes here in TW, if yes, hope the price won't freak me out...more importantly...  [看更多]
這24" 車 不是街道休閒車吧 在街道與林道上 騎這個是自虐吧 (玩大攀跟小攀也是自虐 但不是在街道上) 不過看那車輪框與煞車把 嘖嘖嘖 會流口水...
i can only do about 38" from both wheels. i can do 49" from rear wheel.

if you have a low bb bike with longer chain stays and shorter wheelbase, it's easier to sidehop from both wheels.
換成公分單位, 凱文同學兩輪落地的側跳可以跳97公分, 單輪側跳125公分, 超過125公分就要哭了.