今天原本計畫就有練車,但因為下雨所以就大概下午才去四號。總而言之今天都是隨機在騎,因為天雨路滑加天冷,跳也跳不高,就騎一些簡單的路線,不過整體來講還算滿穩的,能在濕滑輪胎...  (看全文)
wheresthegloves.com (手套在哪裏.com)
haha!! last time i told u to try, now u love TNN.=p

NICE喔!!! 下週去先看看環境和情況還有交通這些細節都估算一下,到時真的要做什麼時會再跟大家通知。另外,也歡迎有興趣或是想幫忙的人一起去該地勘查討論。

場地那邊已經跟呂教練他們聯繫過,呂教練是說可以把賽事一同舉辦,然後現在就是等孝權還有阿哲來的時候,進行場地規劃,以及交通安排,希望能讓這次比賽可以辦的更...  [看更多]
mark 張貼於 2010/04/23
買攀岩車的時候, 新加入攀岩車的車友通常都比較會購買成車, 而老車友就有可能會因為對車子的規格另有看法與要求而選擇用自行組車的方式添購新車.

以價格上來說, 組好的歐美成車...  [看更多]
Kevin兄講的“ if you are using a light weight headset, make sure you face and ream the headtube.”

找到了相關的資料。我想他的意思是說沒經處理的headtube部分, 可能會把輕量化的 headset(猜是鋁做的吧) 弄...  [看更多]
yea i do it to all our complete builds especially if they are getting a high end headset like the crank brothers cobalt or iodine. they are really sensitive to imperfections in the headtube.
here is the final part1 of the series. The second segment has been re-edited, and i added a 3rd segment from saturday's competition. Enjoy!

it was UCI. That clip was from after comp practice. the line i was doing was way too slippery to not touch my pedal on the rock
ill get more shots from this saturday's free social. expect more from jeff and webster