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2011 03 20 (日)..約了板橋石雕公園團,小白難得的被找來破壞這邊的石頭。威力之強大,小白式踩跳無一倖免,太誇張啦!



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卡 來板橋我竟然沒跟到
撲撲 無解解 你都沒來 害我沒辦法電死你~ 哈 改天一起騎吧~~
Frank and I did some filming today around the Taipei Rail station today. Here are some video captures =)
yea it was a lot of work though. we had to switch wheels, forks and brakes every time we ride...
gay !
they share pants and others too ... XD
2011年紅瓦厝杯剛結束, 這是全台灣最大的XC比賽, 此賽大全長21Km路線幾乎不重複, 林相風景非常漂像, 每年都吸引不少登山車友
來此較量, 這次攀岩車大老Kevin & AJ 也來參與兩位成績非常...  (full text)
國棟今天臨時有事,所以麻煩阿哲白跑一趟了。 :(


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32GB class 10....只有智偉買的下手...
Yea definitely need class 10. want to borrow mine? =)