are not here. check again tomorrow
stem is 127x27 to accomodate for my higher bb on this frame. it actually feels about the same height as my old setup, and the bike feels really nice.


為了搭配這個車架的高BB使用 127X27 規格的龍頭, 實際上騎起來...  [看更多]
I tested the new 2010 echo SL 170mm cranks, the echo SL titanium axle pedals, echo SL titanium 108pt freewheel, and echo SL titanium 15t rear cog. I am really impressed with the pedals. the thinner profile makes it much more comfortable to ride...  [看更多]
白ㄟ 張貼於 2010/04/26
哇1年多了 沒動過小攀攀了 心血來潮 從買來到現在快2年玩不到1個月想想好浪費 今天牽出來玩2下 <靠>全身痠痛 現在天天來玩各半小時好了 .............請多多關照小弟一下 .......請問後輪部煞車...  [看更多]
感謝............可惜沒工具 怕拆嘞裝不回去
mark 張貼於 2010/04/23
買攀岩車的時候, 新加入攀岩車的車友通常都比較會購買成車, 而老車友就有可能會因為對車子的規格另有看法與要求而選擇用自行組車的方式添購新車.

以價格上來說, 組好的歐美成車...  [看更多]
Kevin兄講的“ if you are using a light weight headset, make sure you face and ream the headtube.”

找到了相關的資料。我想他的意思是說沒經處理的headtube部分, 可能會把輕量化的 headset(猜是鋁做的吧) 弄...  [看更多]
yea i do it to all our complete builds especially if they are getting a high end headset like the crank brothers cobalt or iodine. they are really sensitive to imperfections in the headtube.
Kevin 張貼於 2010/04/15
got white and black in both long sleeve and short sleeve. here is minato sporting the white short sleeve.

...  (看全文)
you mean the red leaves? they're not peppers haha
It is too hard for Kevin to tell what's on the back.

You can't believe it unless you see it by yourself.....