這次拍了兩百張 上傳的有點累! 原本想說在多拍一些, 但是記憶體不夠..
DVD little Limelight 3. 看了都想要去買一片了.

Benito 跳那一顆最高的石頭真是變態至極!我真的覺得他越來越猛了。
So cool
its xmas, and i'm headed to the metro park right now. come join me if you want to ride!
hey dude if you want to ride later tonight, i will be riding in school (興大) with some other guys, from 8 untill. oh thats today friday 12/25.

here is my # just in case you can't find the place 0938 425 748
its alright. it's a bit late for me. see you tomorrow:)
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Mototrial Biketrial Unitrial....

過完學生的生活以後, 開始上班賺錢時能騎車的日子可能就難說了, 以前的人上班都是5點準時下班, 星期六上半天班, 現在的人雖然說週休二日, 很多公司都要上班到很晚, 美其名說是責任...  [看更多]
太中肯了!!!! 還是當娛樂偶爾刺激一下就好!!!! 要以娛樂維生真的家裡財力要夠雄厚~~~~