Kevin 張貼於 2011/09/19
My girlfriend and I decided to go on a roadtrip along the western coast of Taiwan. We started the trip on the same day as Frank, but didn't end up running into him. Our priority wasn't riding, so there isn't a lot of that in the...  [看更多]
its the eastern coast of taiwan.
hay dude this is perhaps the best vid i have ever seen of you and frank (福輪克) lol.
獨行環半台 - Day 4 - 0905

經過了前三天的疲勞攀攀攀趕行程之狂拍片折磨,今天睡到了九點半,由於接下來的行程是要網台東,若不在花蓮停一天的休息日,將會被累死。因此,今日的行程安排...  (看全文)
獨行環半台 - Day 3 - 0904


看了看地圖,疑,冬山河親...  (看全文)
還要改一改, 因為連我看了都想睡.. XD
7天北環東岸到南 - 騎過的25個點
喔喔! 其實那邊沒什麼東西好騎的, 倒是冬山河親水公園比較有搞頭.
原來如此, 花蓮好多石頭工廠, 然後很多都可以進去給他們偷騎, 超棒的!